3 research outputs found

    Tanggapan Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Jagung Manis (Zea Mays Saccharata Sturt.) terhadap Pemberian Kapur dan Pupuk Kandang Kotoran Ayam

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    One type of popular corn now is sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.). The high demand for sweet corn is not balanced by productivity generated. One of the limiting factors in the development of sweet corn on dry land is the low level of soil fertility. The application of lime and chicken manure are the key to improving the fertility of dry land. This research aimed to analyze the effect of the interaction and the single factor of the application of lime and chicken manure to the growth and yield of sweet corn on dry land. Conducted in Hamparaya Village of Batumandi District, Balangan Regency of South Kalimantan Province for three months, starting in August until November 2015. The design of environment that used in this study is a group randomized design (GRD), while the design of treatment is Split Plot Design. There are twelve treatment combinations were repeated three times so that there are 36 experimental plots, on each plot consisted of six plants sample so that the total number of samples was 216 plants. The results showed that the treatment interaction was not significant effect to the growth and yield of sweet corn in Bonanza F1 varieties, but a single treatment of the application of lime in dose 1,5 t ha-1 and chicken manure in dose 5 t ha-1 is the best treatment and able to enhance the growth and yield of sweet corn on dry land

    Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Agroekowisata untuk Pelestarian Fungsi Waduk Jaro

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           In order that Waduk Jaro remain stable, but economically produce, including through tourism approach agroecototurism.  Cultivation are including the vast landscape of green as the most attractive mountains, and waterfalls spewing water and the most attractive. This research is kind or survey research using multistage sampling, where is society of sub district Jaro, district Tabalong, South Borneo Province selected with purposive sampling, from nine vilage chossing three village with reservoir location on three village (Nalui, Jaro and Garagata) taking sample at those three village using simple random sampling, where is respondence who will be chosen is head of family and visitor or tourist taking with accidental sampling, that is technique taking sample accidentally with  interviewing visitor or tourist who come to location Waduk Jaro. The result shows that the perception of society which living around Waduk Jaro shows 93,6% respondence says agree that Waduk Jaro becoming tourist destination, 4,3% disagreed and 11,1%claimed not to know and 1,0% did not comment. From 94 respondence who interview, 89,4% says agree if forms of tourism which developing is agroecotourism, 5,3% says do not agree, 2% says do not know and 3,2% do not comment. Respondence from visitor or tourist society who visiting to Waduk Jaro, 98,3% agree becoming object tourism and 1,7% do not agree. And than 95,0% agree about forms of tourism which developing is agroecotourism, 3,3% did not agree and 1,7% not commen